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Best Project Report/Thesis-Session:2021-22

S.No. Student Name (Roll No.) Project Superviser Project Detail (Title & Abstract)
1 HIMANSHU KUMAR (1805613027) Dr. Kamal Srivastava Project Title:- Driver Drowsiness
Detection System
RADHESH PANDEY (1805613038) Driver Drowsiness Detection System provide robust safety system that can detect driver fatigue and alert the driver in time by monitoring their eyes.
VIVEK KUMAR YADAV (1805613059)
2 HARSH CHAURASIA (1805613024) Dr.Bhawesh kr. Thakhur Project Title:- O Grocery Android App
MANSHI MISHRA (1805613030) O Grocery is an Android App which is inspired from the E-commerce business.
SAURABH MISHRA (1805613046)
SONALI KUMARI (1805613049)
3 KRISHNA KANT DUBEY(1805613028) Mr. Praveen Sachan Project Title:- Face Mask Detection System
SHIVAM JOHARI (1805613048) Global pandemic COVID-19 circumstances emerged in an epidemic of dangerous disease in all over the world.Using face mask detection system,one can monitor if the people are wearing masks or not

Best Project Report/Thesis-Session:2020-21

S.No. Student Name (Roll No.) Project Superviser Project Detail (Title & Abstract)
1 ABHISHEK SRIVASTVA (1705613002) Mrs. Neelam
Project Title:- Disease  Prediction System
MOHD WASEEL (1705713015) Disease prediction system is a GUI based system in which user can predict three major disease nowadays Heart Disease, Breast Cancer, Diabetes. It can be done by entering the input values into the system by the user which predicts the final result accurately based on that information.
2 HASHIR HASAN (1705613012) Mr. Ranjeet Srivastava Project Title:-  Web Based Prediction & Identification SystemUsing
Machine Learning
PRANJAL BAJPAI (1705613017) We can receive input in the form of text, images from real world webcam devices. Our objective is to make the process of prediction and identification smoother and user friendly.
3 AMMIRULHODA ANSARI (1705613004) Mr. Praveen Sachan Project Title:-  Image Segmentation Using Machine Learning
ANUSHKA GAUR (1705613007) The objective of this project is to ake a system that is interactive and able to identify and predict the things in a very simple way.

Best Project Report/Thesis-Session:2019-20

S.No. Student Name (Roll No.) Project Superviser Project Detail (Title & Abstract)
1 ARPIT SRIVASTAVA (1605613036) Dr. Praveen Kr.Shukla Project Title:- Edu Collaboration
NIKHIL KUMAR (1605613047) Edu Collaboration provide a web-based conference management system that supports most administrative tasks of conference, workshops, and seminar organizer. The system manages all vital processes a live session may have, including user registration, paper submission and review, collecting payments from participants, live chatting if anyone have any query, content sharing, flash notifications, webinar and invoicing.
2 ASHISH KUMAR TRIPATHI (1605613037) Mrs. Neelam Chakravarti Project Title:-RFID based Toll Gate Automation
DIVYANSHI SINGH (1605613042) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an auto identification technology which uses radio frequencies to identify objects remotely. It is a system which does the job of detecting, billing and accounting for vehicles as they pass through a tollgate using RFID as the identification technology. This system reduces the common hustles in accounting for the movement of goods from point to point.
SHREYA MATHUR (1605613056)
3 UPMANYU AGNIHOTRI (1605613030) Mr.Shashi  Kant Project Title:-Geo Location Based Browser for Secural Mobile Banking
ATUL KUMAR DWIVEDI (1605613040) Among the several authentication schemes, geo location authentication is gaining importance as it is found most suitable for desktop devices. In this project a dedicated secure web application for internet banking that makes use of multifactor authentication is designed and developed. Its features a geolocation-based authentication scheme which ensures security of transactions based on the user location. In addition to the existing two factor authentication scheme using user ID, password and OTP, the mobile number and geolocation is used to authenticate the user. The geolocation intimates the banks location from where the transaction is going to be performed thus helping banks to ensure secure transactions. The geolocation of the user is acquired through the network provider and hence the need for using GSM is eliminated.
The multifactor authentication used to ensures security while performing transaction and prevents users from various attacks.

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