Institutional Committees
- To develop a policy against sexual harassment of females at the institute.
- To solve redressal of the problems reported by the Students /Faculty /Staff of the college
- To create a secure physical and social environment in the institute which can prevent the sexual harassment cases and other acts of gender –based violence at the institute.
- To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.
- To uphold the dignity of the institute. By ensuring a safe-free atmosphere in the College through promoting cordial student-student relationship and student-teacher relationship etc.
- To encourage the students to express their grievances/problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.
Functions, Roles and Responsibilities
- To introduce a fair, impartial, and consistent mechanism for redressal of various issues faced by the students/parents/faculty/staff.
- To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all stakeholders, thereby maintaining a harmonious atmosphere on the campus.
- To ensure the grievances are resolved promptly, neutrally, and in complete confidentiality.
- To look into the grievances put forward by the women employees of the college, irrespective of the fact as to whether such a complaint is against a male Employee or female employee.
- To settle issues and grievances amicably and in a time-bound manner.
- To ensure that issues and grievances are resolved impartially and confidentially.
- The committee shall receive all the complaints in writing under the proper and correct signature of the complainant.
- Introduces a reasonable and reliable solution for grievances of various issues received from students/parents
- Ensures that the grievances are resolved on time impartially and confidentially.
- Identify strategic initiatives for the website and present it to higher management for review and updating.
- Develop a priority listing of desired design and functionality enhancements
- Identify to update and improve the design and content of website.
- Coordinating with other committees in posting relevant information
- Handling the Social Media Updates of College on various Social Media Platforms.
- Convener, member review the website on regular basis for maintaining, and updating website.
- Every member collects the information of their respective department which department wants to update on website.
- Every member sends the data to convener.
- Convener sends the data to reviewer for review.
- Convener sends the reviewed data for updating after approval.
- Social Media Handler upload the banner of Events / Placements / Achievements on various Social Media Platforms
Frequency of Meeting
Every fortnight.
- To prohibit and eliminate the scourge of ragging including any conduct by any student whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student.
- To promptly and stringently deal with the incidents of ragging brought to our notice.
- To ensure the overall discipline in the Institute and campus hostels.
- To spread awareness about various schemes, plans and programmes started for the welfare/development of students.
- Help maintain the ethos of the Institution – Ragging free campus.
- Disseminate information on Anti ragging rules & regulations.
- Maintains discipline in the institute by corrective or punitive action against acts of indiscipline on the institute premises.
- Committee facilitates students to apply for various scholarships from both Central and State Governments.
- Proper monitoring of hostel and mess and to have a check on the quality of food.
- Resolves the complaint (if any) received from the student, verifies the facts through enquiry.
Frequency of Meeting
At the beginning of each academic year & whenever required.
- To inform SC/ST students about various scholarship programmes offered by the State & Central Government.
- To counsel and mentor SC/ST students and assist them in successfully navigating the academic and personal challenges of college life.
- To make sure that a secure atmosphere is provided for all of these Students.
- To provide counseling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event at the campus.
- Gives wide publicity through circulars to all the faculties and students about the various scholarships.
- Ensures the effective implementation of the guidelines /policies and programmes of the Government of India and State Government.
- Resolves the Grievances of SC/ST students of the College.
Frequency of Meeting
- The Committee will meet at the beginning of each Academic Year and whenever required.
Roles & Responsibilities
The Personality Development Programme covers the following areas for the benefit of the students as under
- Improves communication skills, interpersonal skills, leadership skills and technical skills of the students.
- Guides the students about their respective long-term career objectives.
- Provides the in-campus training to get familiar by the daily practices of the business operations in the industry.
- Provides the monitoring to access, control and enhance the level of confidence of the students to contribute in their future jobs with a high competence.
- To explore and identify common avenues of interaction with industry.
- To establish an industry/business centre of excellence to provide real-time exposure to technologies.
- To share experience and expertise among institutions and industry for mutual benefit.
- Organize workshops, conferences and seminars with joint participation by faculty and industry.
- To promote a variety of research activities by faculty/students.
- To assist the Training and Placement Division.
- To develop good work culture and prepare industry ready students
- Determine the scientific and technical requirements of the “Industry”, in which Research and Development work can be taken up by BBDNIIT-IIC
- Organize lectures, interactive workshops, conferences, seminars, technical discussions, consultation sessions, training sessions, orientation courses, meetings, visits, etc. with industry participants, outside experts, eminent individuals, faculty, and students.
- To develop the necessary facilities for professional engineers and technologists to update their expertise in order to satisfy the industry’s development and expansion needs.
- Establish an internship programme for UG and PG students in every discipline for 4-6 weeks over the summer and winter breaks.
- Establishing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for placement, entrepreneurship development, industrial training, and site visits with industries and industrial associations.
- Collaborative research projects and field study conducted by academics and person from industries.
Frequency of Meeting
3 to 5 meetings per year.
- To encourage creativity, research and provide best environment for Students/faculties/Staff.
- To aware and educate faculty and students of the college on Intellectual property rights (IPR) and guide them on the importance of IPR.
- To provide guidelines on applicable laws and regulations regarding IPR among all the faculties, Staff and students.
- To conduct workshops/Seminars, activities and training programs related with IPR.
- To provide the better approach towards Academic and Research IPR Cell mainly concerned with managing projects and research initiatives successfully and also the protection of their IP Rights that will be beneficial for all the faculty/Students/Staff.
- To provide the information of rights that shall include patents, trademarks, copy rights, trade secrets and other printed material, any new and useful process, software, copyrighted work, chemical compounds, data sets and genuine software.
- To evaluate the intellectual property evidence that recommended the best mechanism for patent protection.
- IPR Committee will perform its function in consultation with experts as per their expertise.
- To assess the situation under which the College may refuse its IP rights.
- To make the possible intervention of disputes concerning intellectual property.
- Perform the functions which is required for the development of the College’s intellectual property
Frequency of Meeting
At the beginning of each academic year & whenever required
Function of IIC
- To conduct various Innovations, IPR and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by MIC in time bound fashion.
- Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
- Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
- Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
- Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by institution’s faculty and students.
- Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc. with the involvement of industries.
IICs Vision
To establish a multi-disciplinary environment with excellence in technical education and research for developing competent professionals who meet the challenges of industrial and societal development with human values and ethics.
IICs Mission
M1. To provide an excellent environment with supporting infrastructure to prepare globally competent professionals acceptable to industry and society.
M2. To inculcate a spirit of research, innovation and entrepreneurship by exposing multi-disciplinary approach.
M3. To motivate aspiring graduates to solve real life problems with zeal of lifelong learning.
M4. To imbibe a healthy environment which helps to develop intellectual capabilities among graduates to transform them into professionals with human values and ethics.
Structure of Institutional Innovation Council
The structure of Institutional Innovation Council is divided into three categories as mentioned below:
- Faculty Representation
- Expert Representation
- Student Representation
Roles & Responsibilities
- To provide increased opportunities for student engagement and one-on-one learning.
- To facilitate social network tools afford students and institutions with multiple opportunities to improve learning methods.
- To launch and manage social media presence on Face book, Twitter, YouTube, and other relevant social networking apps.
- To monitor all online social platforms so as to track alerts from social media sites around the clock via mobile devices.
- To build strong relationships with members of the media by providing consistent, relevant, and newsworthy information on the social media sites.
- To inculcate strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in diverse community and culture.
1. | Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi | (CONVENER) HUMANITIES & PC |
2. | Dr. Arti Mishra | HUMANITIES & PC |
3. | Dr. Swati Priya | HUMANITIES & PC |
4. | Dr. Ajay Kumar Bajpai | HUMANITIES & PC |
5. | Mr. Yousuf Haider | CS |
6. | Mr. Praveen Sachan | IT |
7. | Mr. Shavez Mukhtar Ansari | CE |
8. | Mr. Rakesh Kumar Yadav | EC |
9. | Mr. Shiv Prakash Singh | EE |
10. | Mr. Ankur Srivastava | ME |
- To provide the required support to all startup activities in collaboration with the Innovation cell, and Entrepreneurship Development Cell, BBDNIIT.
- To provide a platform for the convenient merger of innovative and entrepreneurial efforts.
- The committee provides support for the feasibility analysis, project planning, and technical analysis of any innovative idea proposed by students.
- The members of the committee provide mentoring.
- The committee provides semi-furnished space and facility as per the requirement of the entity.
Frequency of Meeting
4 meetings in a year (2 meetings per semester)
- To encourage actions that will improve institutional performance by internalising a quality culture and institutionalising best practices
- To present a regular scheme that would lead the institution towards progress. It involves preparing strategies for efficient & timely work processes and best assessment process for maintaining quality.
- Frame the quality benchmarks for various academic activities of the institution.
- Facilitating for a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education for participatory teaching and learning process to create quality consciousness among the stake holders.
- To analyze feedback / suggestions from stake holders for quality improvement related matters.
- To organize inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars for quality up gradation.
Frequency of Meeting
- The Committee will meet at the beginning and end of Odd Semester as well as at the end of Academic Session.
About the Committee
The function of the cell is to look into the complaints lodged by any student, and judge its merit. The Grievance cell is also empowered to look into matters of harassment. Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the department members in person, or in consultation with the Students Council. In case the person Grievance Cell at Administrative Block.
Our vision is to have a shared understanding, alignment and commitment, to derive our institute’s vision that sets the course and empowers people to take action.
Our Mission is to enrich the mind and nourish the spirit, thereby assisting our students to enhance their lives, expand perspectives and strengthen their capabilities.
Objective of the Committee
The objective of the Grievance Cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute. A Grievance Cell should be constituted for the Redressal of the problems reported by the Students of the College with the following objectives:
- Upholding the dignity of the College by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the College through promoting cordial Student-Student relationship and Student-Teacher relationship etc.
- Encouraging the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.
- Suggestion / complaint Box is installed in front of the Administrative Block in which the Students, who want to remain anonymous, put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the Academics / Administration in the College.
- Advising Students of the College to respect the right and dignity of one another and show utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises.
- Advising all the Students to refrain from inciting Students against other Students, Teachers and College administration
- Advising all staffs to be affectionate to the Students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
- Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in and outside the institution. Any violation of ragging and disciplinary rules should be urgently brought to the notice of the Principal.
As per the rules and regulations addressed by the AICTE , for faculty members and students or other stake holders in a Technical Institution, “Grievance Redressal Committee” has been constituted with following members in different positions to enquire the nature and extent of grievance:
Mechanism for Redressal of Grievances of Students and Teaching/Non-teaching Members
The students are the main stakeholders in any institution imparting education, and it is our endeavor to make all efforts to ensure transparency in all the activities at different stages.
The Grievances may broadly include the following complaints of the aggrieved students
- Academic
- Non-Academic
- Grievance related to Assessment
- Grievance related to Victimization
- Grievance related to Attendance
- Grievance related to charging of fees
- Grievance regarding conducting of Examinations
- Harassment by colleague students or the teachers etc.
Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi
- To develop and implement effective teaching strategies at the institutional, departmental, and individual levels.
- To ensure the efficient execution of the academic activities throughout the institution’s many programmes.
- Providing clarification on academic policies, college and university rules, programme requirements, processes, and credit standards.
- To provide suitable learning environments and student support systems through effective assessment of learning outcomes, appropriate feedback systems, and prompt implementation of corrective measures and quality improvements.
- Plan, monitor and recommend for academic improvement of all the Departments.
- Preparation of Academic Calendar.
- Introduce innovations in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation practices.
- Review of academic activity, attendance, student feedback analysis with HOD’s.
Frequency of Meeting
- The Committee will meet at the beginning and end of Odd Semester as well as at the end of Academic Session.
- To carry out tasks associated with internal assessments of examinations in accordance with AKTU Ordinances.
- This committee formulates the guidelines, rules & regulations of all examination related matters of the institute.
- Members of the committee give their suggestions for smooth conduct of examinations in the academic perspective
- The Exam Committee holds a pre-exam meeting to brief the members of faculty with regard to the examination procedures and the role and responsibilities of invigilators, observer, flying squad and examination superintendent.
- Under the guidance of the Controller of Examination, the Exam Cell analyses the exam results send by HODs and the same is verified by the Examination Committee. After due verification, copies of the result analysis are sent to concerned officers of the College.
- Monitor Internal and external Assessment examination as per academic calendar and university notifications.
Frequency of Meeting
- The Committee will meet before the Internal Examinations of Odd & Even Semester in an Academic Year
- To significantly increase alumni interaction with the institution.
- Promoting and keeping alive loyalty to the institution and creating concern for its welfare.
- Infuse exchange of ideas among alumni and students.
- To nurture current students to achieve their goals by means of mentorship through alumni.
- The committee maintains and updates the alumni database through social media platforms and personalized connection.
- The committee maintains a strong relationship between the alumni association and current students.
- The committee provides a platform for the alumni to connect with each other for the exchange of information, ideas, communicate their accomplishments, interests, and concerns, etc.
- The committee strengthens ties between the institute and alumni and organizes various cultural, social activities and encourage active participation of alumni.
- The committee highlights the success of alumni to improve the credibility and reputation of the institute.
Frequency of Meeting
4 meetings in a year (2 meetings per semester)
Roles & Responsibilities
The Chairman’s office shall act as a link between the Technology Incubation Centre and the students/staff/alumni of BBDNIIT who want to pursue their own technological venture. Chairman’s office with the assistance of Faculty Advisor shall bridge the gap between R&D and commercialization.
- To act as an institutional mechanism for providing various services including information to students.
- To create good placement culture in the Parent Institution to promote the objectives of T & P Cell, including programs related to students.
- To Gathering information about job fairs and all relevant recruitment advertisements.
- Identifying the needs and expectations of the companies to assist them in recruiting most suitable candidates.
- Arranging periodic meetings with Human Resources Department of companies and TPO’s to promote recruitments..
- To assist students for industrial training at the end of the fourth and sixth semester.
- To assist students to develop/clarify their academic and career interests, and their short and long-term goals through individual counseling and group sessions.
- To organize seminars, webinar, training programs, industrial visits and other development programs.
- To prepare a year wise activity schedule for Training and Placement Cell and publish the same to all stakeholders, and department notice boards
- To monitor works allotted to all members of T & P Cell and plan future works by arranging meetings at time interval throughout the year.
- Maintaining and regularly updating the database of students. Maintaining database of companies and establishing strategic links for campus recruitments.
- To provide resources and activities to facilitate the career planning process.
- To act as a link between students, alumni, and the employment community.
- To assist students in obtaining placement in reputed companies.
- To publish and disseminate various events through posters, website, Notice boards and prominent places in college and to Press and Media time to time.
- Organize lectures, workshops and seminars by renowned personalities from different domains of expertise, competitions of various kinds etc. round-the-year in order to create awareness and to sharpen business acumen of students and aspiring entrepreneurs.
- Arranging for suitable skill development programmes related to Training and Placement.
- Mentoring the people at an early stage by giving proper direction and necessary exposure would be crucial in converting technical skill for placement.
- Acts as an information and reference point for the Chair and other committee members: clarifying financial implications of proposals; confirming legal requirements; outlining the current financial status; and retrieving relevant documentation.
- Oversee and present budgets, accounts and financial statements to the management committee
- Liaise with designated staff about financial matters
- Ensure that appropriate financial systems and controls are in place
- Ensure that record-keeping and accounts meet the conditions of funders or statutory bodies
- Ensure compliance with relevant legislation.
- Convenes the committee meeting as appropriate and ensure the minutes of the meeting and any policy changes are communicated to all the stake holders.
- First point of contact for all the company/incubate to get help, provide feedback or concerns,etc. so they can be effectively addressed.
- Works with the Company Representatives to ensure the smooth working of the T&P-cell.
- Conduct various events as envisioned above with Industry and stake holder.
- Conduct regular meetings with the various stake holders with the approval of Chairman and Convener.
- To create a complete ecosystem that will foster the culture of self-employment and innovation while providing training to the students.
- To provide a platform for students to pitch their ideas and connect them with HR to increase the ratio of placement.
- To conduct relevant seminars, workshops, and lectures with Alumni and experts to acquaint the students with strategies, insights, and knowledge required to become a successful in placement.
- To provide ample mentorship opportunities for the budding students of college.
- Scribe the Minutes of meetings held by various committees of the Cell.
- Maintain the record of registration of students in events conducted by T&P cell.
- Maintain the feedback record of students/ attendees in events conducted by T&P cell.
- Maintain record of report of the conduction of each and every event.
- Compile the record and process of judgment of any competition conducted by the cell
- Write up for publicity in newspaper/website/ poster to be provided to respective committee after the approval.
- To identify interested students for training in T&P Cell and to To motivate and organize small group camps at the department class level by presentations.
- To identify the students with greater capability.
- To identify successful students from the college alumni in each department and get their contact address and report to the coordinator.
- Choose two in charge of each class in the department for coordinating activities of T&P Cell.
- To know from the T&P registered students there requirements for organizing seminars, workshops and conferences
- Organize the program as when planned.
Roles & Responsibilities
The committee will aspire to promote research within the college and encourage all stakeholders to perform high quality research. Some of the specific aims include:
- To encourage, maintain and support research activities in the college.
- To prepare and execute policy recommendations for the strategic development of research.
- To prepare proposals for fund allocation for research activities in and outside the college.
- To monitor operational goals within the context of the college research management plans.
- To evaluate research proposals for research grants.
- To facilitate peer review of research works and enable their publication in reputed journals.
The Committee’s major goal is to help build a link between the library, the faculty and students, and the institute management. The committee meets regularly to plan for library developments and discuss library development initiatives with the management. It also assesses the library stock for the inclusion of the latest informative materials.
The Entrepreneurship Development Cell envisages to nurture the entrepreneurial talent among students from various disciplines and shape as a well-recognized center of excellence for entrepreneurship development by producing successful entrepreneurs imbibed with innovative mind, high ethics, moral values and good leadership skills to make global impact.
The ED cell plans to create Entrepreneurial culture in the Institution by identifying and providing guidance and exposure to the students, conduct long/short term assignments of corporate/industry to prepare a skilled workforce. The Cell would be a leader in facilitating entrepreneurs by providing support from ideation to start-up to establishment.
The Cell also endeavors to expand to other institutions in the region to promote self-employment and entrepreneurship culture.
- The main objective of the cell is to create awareness among aspiring entrepreneurs and develop entrepreneurial knowledge.
- ED Cell also aims to provide the right atmosphere for entrepreneurs to work on and grow their idea.
- To provide a platform for interaction with entrepreneurs
- Impart entrepreneurial skills amongst students through various training and exercise.
- Arrange vibrant interaction with organizations promoting the cause of entrepreneurship.
- Act as a networking hub for students aspiring to be entrepreneurs and play a role in team building as a part of its mentorship.
- Dr. AMRESH KUMAR, Controller of Examination, BBDNIIT
- Dr. ANURAG SHRIVASTAVA, Head of Department- CSE
- Dr. BHAWESH KUMAR THAKUR, Head of Department- IT
- Dr. NAGENDRA KUMAR MISHRA, Head of Department ME
- Mr. AJIT PRATAP SINGH, Head of Department CE
- Mr. RITURAJ JALAN, Head of Department EE
- Dr. MANOJ KUMAR RASTOGI, Head of Department MBA
Frequency of Meeting
4 meetings in a year (2 meetings per semester)
- The committee’s objective is to coordinate with the people responsible for the maintenance and monitor the quality and given time frame of the job.
- To monitor routine maintenance in the Institute on daily basis.
- To monitor routine annual maintenance of the Institute and related infrastructure thereof.
- To monitor and arrange major and minor repairs of lab equipments, lecture theaters and office accessories.
- To take care of operation and maintenance as well as upkeep of the facilities in the premises of the college.
- To look into electrical requirements and timely repair/replacement of the same.
- The lights and heating/cooling equipments of the academic blocks and administrative blocks are taken care of by the team members. A generator is available in case of power failure.
- The other facilities like water supply, clean drinking water, cleaning of the campus, garbage collection, proper disposal of waste, maintenance of gardens is supervised by the members.
- The college has CCTV cameras at various locations for surveillance of the entire campus area. The committee members ensure the proper functioning of these cameras.
- The College has taken ‘Annual Maintenance Contracts’ for appliances in the college.
- The members of the committee inspect the items/equipments/ instruments which are to be disposed after declaring the as obsolete or unserviceable. The mode of disposal is decided by the members.
- For complaint related maintenance, a complaint register is kept at central hall in which complainant enters the complaint and the complaint is resolved on daily basis and its stock is taken daily.
- Those complaints which don’t come under the preview of normal maintenance are reported through the committee to higher management by means of meetings every month to get budget allocated
Frequency of Meeting
The meeting of the Maintenance Committee is conducted every month for the proper compliance of responsibilities.
- To ensure that equipment / accessories are procured through standard procedure in major & minor purchases of the institution.
- To prepare the annual procurement plan of the institution.
- To provide support to the department HoDs/Lab In-charge Faculty members for procurement of goods / services in efficient, economic and transparent manner.
- To facilitate the management to allocate the required fund.
Functions/ Working
- The HoDs of departments concerned / Lab In-charge / Lab Technicians make arrangements for getting the quotations based on the intended specifications.
- Comparative chart is prepared with the help of indenter.
- Based on the recommendations of the department, usually by the respective HoD, purchase committee will deliberate on the quotations, specifications and negotiate.
- Recommend the suitable vendor for the procurement.
- To maintain constant touch with the market condition and explore possibilities of identifying new sources of supply at competitive rates.
- To ensure equitable treatment of suppliers and promotion of competition in procurement
Frequency of Meeting
- The committee meets as and when needed.
Roles & Responsibilities
- To get the necessary indents from the respective departments.
- Supervise all the purchases made in the campus.
- To request technical input from relevant staff as required.
- Maintains the approval letters
- Maintain the quotations from various vendors
- Maintain the record of Comparison of the prices from these quotations
- Maintain the record of Finalized the competitive prices
- Maintain the record of Purchase Order
- To guide and train the students on various technical aspects to assist them in discovering new opportunities.
- To create zeal amongst students towards innovation through developing technical models.
- To promote research culture in the college.
- To provide a common platform to all the students of our college to showcase their technical skills.
- The committee organizes industrial visits for students after discussion with head of departments to enhance their technical knowledge in their respective fields.
- The committee conducts workshops, webinars and quizzes in collaboration with different departments to get exposure to many other areas apart from their syllabus.
- The members of the committee motivate and assist the students in participating in various technical competitions.
- The committee provides guidance on technical issues faced by students.
Frequency of Meeting
4 meetings in a year (2 meetings per semester)
- To organize Competitions to identify and encourage the potential.
- To motivate students for Inter-college cultural events to enable them to prove potential.
- It attempts to cater for the non-academic interest of the students in the institute.
- It endeavour’s to facilitate the creative streaks of the student body by organizing a bunch of intra/inter-college events.
- The committee aims at providing platforms to students where they can exhibit their talents by participating in events such as Rangoli, Posters making, Mehendi, Wall painting, Face painting etc.
- The fine art Committee shall be responsible for all intra an inter-collegiate fine art events in the College.
- To plan and schedule fine art events for the academic year. (Tentative dates to be included in the academic calendar of the institute.)
- To prepare the budget for all fine art events and take necessary steps for its approval.
- The Convener of the committee shall conduct a meeting of the committee to discuss and delegate tasks.
- Procedure to organize fine art events.
- To prepare the Annual Budget for various fine art events.
- To obtain formal permission from the College authorities to arrange program.
- To decide the date, time and agenda of the program.
- To inform members of staff and students about the event.
- To arrange the venue and logistics (audio/video system, dais, podium etc).
- To invite the Chief Guest and other dignitaries.
Frequency of Meeting
3 to 5 meetings per year. Emergency meetings can also be called.
- To create zeal amongst students and faculty members towards sports.
- To organize training, coaching and education in sports for everybody so that they can learn to keep themselves physically fit.
- To achieve the goals we plan to organize various competitions in the following sports: football, cricket, volleyball, table tennis, chess, carom and badminton etc.
- To promote every individual’s health, physical well-being as well as the acquisition of physical skill among the students.
- The committee aspires to inculcate qualities such as sportsmanship, team spirit and bonding.
- To monitor works allotted to all members of the committee.
- To plan future works by arranging meetings at time interval throughout the year.
- To organize regular sports events in order to train students for state and national level competitions.
- To arrange for better coaching facilities, proper maintenance of sports accessories.
- To provide necessary infrastructure for sports.
Frequency of Meeting
2 meetings in a year (and whenever it is required).
- To Provide a platform for the students to showcase their talents.
- To enable students to exhibit the skills to organize an event.
- To inculcate leadership qualities among students.
- To work for holistic development of the students personality.
- To promote a dynamic cultural heritage that is preserved, used and developed.
- Creating a platform that provides the students with an opportunity to display talents in a variety of ways.
- Planning and organizing the college’s recreational and cultural activities
- Overseeing the recruitment of new students into teams of their interest.
- Coordinating and supervising the student members of various teams within the cultural committee.
- Preparing the budget for all cultural events and taking necessary steps for its approval.
- Committee shall promote cultural activities by motivating students and members of faculty.
- Promoting team spirit by making healthy competition. The committee shall organize cultural events in order to train students for state and national level competitions.
- Enhance the campus life experience of every student through cultural and extracurricular activities.
Frequency of Meeting
5 to 6 in each academic year
Roles & Responsibilities
This cell is an effort to fulfill our responsibility to provide our students this significant input about understanding. Cell encourages students to discover what they consider valuable. Accordingly, they should be able to discriminate between valuable and the superficial in real situation in their life. It has been experimented at IITH, IITK and UPTU on a large scale with significant result.
- To make the processes for counselling related to Admissions in college easier.
- To assist in addressing concerns of parents and students interested in applying to various programmes
- Ensuring that everyone has access to fair opportunities without any prejudice
- Ensuring that the right students being selected for admission.
- The committee implements the criteria for admission of the students to the College for all the courses according to the University Rules & Regulations.
- The Committee specifies the detailed procedure to be followed for Candidates admitted through Counselling and ensures the same has been implemented / followed.
- The Committee identifies and approves the admission of qualified candidates as per University Guidelines.
- Frames new Admission Policies based on previous experiences so as to improve the system and the process.
Frequency of Meeting
- The Committee will meet at the beginning of each Academic Year and whenever required.