Department Labs

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Mechanical Engineering Labs

1 To verify the law of parallelogram of   forces.
2 To study the equilibrium of a body under three forces.
3 To determine the coefficient of friction of a flat surface.
4 Friction experiment on screw-jack.
5 Experiment based on analysis of truss.
6 To determine the mass moment of inertia of a rotating disc.
7 To conduct the tensile test and determine the ultimate tensile strength, percentage elongation for a mild steel specimen.
8 To conduct the Impact-tests (Izod / Charpy) on Impact-testing machine to find the Impact strength of the specimen.
9 To determine the hardness of the given specimen using Vicker/Brinell/Rockwell hardness testing machine.
10 Simple & compound gear-train experiment.
11 Worm & worm-wheel experiment for load lifting.
12 Belt-Pulley experiment.
13 Bending of simply-supported and cantilever beams for theoretical & experimental deflection.
14 Dynamics experiment on momentum conservation
15 Dynamics experiment on collision for determining coefficient of restitution.

Workshop Practice

Carpentry shop

1 Study of tools & operations and carpentry joints.
2   Simple exercise using
jack plane.
3 To prepare half-lap corner joint, mortise & tennon joints.
4 Simple exercise on
woodworking lathe.

Fitting (bench working) shop

1  Study of tools & operations
2 Simple exercises involving fitting work
3  Make perfect male-female joint.
4 Simple exercises involving drilling/tapping/dieing.

Black Smithy Shop

1  Study of tools & operations
2 Simple exercises based on black smithy operations such as upsetting, drawing down, punching, bending, fullering & swaging.

Welding Shop

1  Study of tools & operations of Gas welding & Arc welding
2 Simple butt and Lap welded joints.
3 Oxy-acetylene flame cutting.

Sheet Metal Shop

1 Study of tools & operations.
2 Making Funnel complete with ‘soldering’
3 Fabrication of tool-box, tray, electric panel box etc.

Machine Shop

1 Study of Single point cutting tool, machine tools and operations.
2 Plane turning
3 Step turning
4 Taper turning.
5 Threading

Foundery shop

1 Study of tools & operations
2 Pattern making.
3 Mould making with the use of a core.
4 Casting

Fluid Mechanics Lab

S. No. Name Of Experiment
1 To verify the momentum equation using the experimental set-up on impact of jet.
2 To determine the coefficient of discharge of an orifice of a given shape. Also to determine the coefficient of velocity and the coefficient of contraction of the orifice mouth piece.
3 To calibrate an orifice meter and study the variation of the co-efficient of discharge with the Reynolds number.
4 To calibrate a Venturimeter and study the variation of the co-efficient of discharge with the Reynolds number.
5 To calibrate a bend meter and study the variation of the co-efficient of discharge with the Reynolds number
6 To draw a flow-net using Electrical Analogy Method.
7 To study the transition from laminar to turbulent flow and to determine the lower critical Reynolds number.
8 To study the velocity distribution in a pipe and also to compute the discharge by integrating the velocity profile.
9 To study the variation of friction factor, ‘f’ for turbulent flow in commercial pipes.
10 To study the boundary layer velocity profile over a flat plate and to determine the boundary layer thickness.
11 To determine Meta-centric height of a given ship model.
12 To determine the head loss for a sudden enlargement
13 To determine the head loss for a sudden Contraction.

Material Science And Testing Lab

(A) Experiments On Material Sciences

1 Preparation of a plastic mould for small metallic specimen.
2 Preparation of specimen for micro structural examination-cutting, grinding, polishing, etching.
3 Determination of grain size for a given specimen.
4 Comparative study of microstructures of different specimens of different materials (mild steel, gray C.I., brass, copper etc.)
5 Experiments on heat treatment such as annealing, normalizing, quenching, case hardening and comparison of hardness before and after heat treatment.
6 Material identification of, say, 50 common items kept in a box.
7 Experiment on Faraday’s law of electrolysis.
8 Study of corrosion and its effects.
9 Study of microstructure of welded component and HAZ. Macro & micro examination of the welded specimen
10 Study of Magnetic/ Electrical/Electronic materials

(B) Experiments On Material Testing

1 Strength test of a given mild steel specimen on UTM with full details and stress versus strain plot on the machine
2 Impact test on impact testing machine like Charpy, Izod or both
3 Hardness test of given specimen using Rockwell and Vickers/Brinell testing machines.
4 Spring index test on spring testing machine.
5 Fatigue test on fatigue testing machine.
6 Creep test on creep testing machine
7 Experiment on deflection of beam, comparison of actual measurement of deflection with dial gauge to the calculated one, and or evaluation of young’s modulus of beam
8 Torsion test of a rod using torsion testing machine
9 Study of NDT (non-destructive testing) methods like magnetic flaw detector, ultrasonic flaw detector,eddy current testing machine, dye penetrant tests

Thermodynamics Lab

1 Study of Fire Tube boiler
2 Study of Water Tube boiler
3 Study and working of Two stroke petrol Engine
4 Study and working of Four stroke petrol Engine
5  Determination of Indicated H.P. of I.C. Engine by Morse Test
6 Prepare the heat balance sheet for Diesel Engine test rig
7  Prepare the heat balance sheet for Petrol Engine test rig
8 Study and working of two stroke Diesel Engine
9 Study and working of four stroke Diesel Engine
10 Study of Velocity compounded steam turbine
11 Study of Pressure compounded steam turbine
12 Study of Impulse & Reaction turbine
13 Study of steam Engine model.
14 Study of Gas Turbine Model

Manufacturing Science & Technology -1 Lab

1 Study of Fire Tube boiler
2 Study of Water Tube boiler
3 Study and working of Two stroke petrol Engine
4 Study and working of Four stroke petrol Engine
5  Determination of Indicated H.P. of I.C. Engine by Morse Test
6 Prepare the heat balance sheet for Diesel Engine test rig
7  Prepare the heat balance sheet for Petrol Engine test rig
8 Study and working of two stroke Diesel Engine
9 Study and working of four stroke Diesel Engine
10 Study of Velocity compounded steam turbine
11 Study of Pressure compounded steam turbine
12 Study of Impulse & Reaction turbine
13 Study of steam Engine model.
14 Study of Gas Turbine Model

Measurement And Metrology Lab

1 Study the working of simple measuring instruments- Vernier calipers, micrometer,tachometer.
2 Measurement of effective diameter of a screw thread using 3 wire method.
3 Measurement of angle using sinebar & slip gauges. Study of limit gauges.
4 Study & angular measurement using level protector.
5 Adjustment of spark plug gap using feeler gauges.
6 Study of dial indicator & its constructional details
7 Use of dial indicator to check a shape run use.
8 Use of dial indicator and V Block to check the circularity and plot the polar Graph.
9 Study and understanding of limits, fits & tolerances.
10 Experiment on measurement of pressure.
11 Study of temperature measuring equipments.
12 Measurement using Strain gauge.
13 Measurement of speed using stroboscope.
14 Experiment on measurement of flow.
15 Measurement of vibration/power.
16 Experiment on dynamometers.
17 To study the displacement using LVDT.

Machine Design –i Lab

1 Design & drawing of Cotter joint.
2 Design & drawing of Knuckle joint
3 Design of machine components subjected to combined steady and variable loads
4 Design of eccentrically loaded riveted joint
5 Design of boiler riveted joint
6 Design of shaft for combined constant twisting and bending loads
7 Design of shaft subjected to fluctuating load
8 Design and drawing of flanged type rigid coupling
9 Design and drawing of flexible coupling
10 Design and drawing of helical spring
11 Design and drawing of screw jack

Manufacturing Technology –ii Lab

1 Shear-angle determination (using formula) with tube cutting (for orthogonal) on lathe machine.
2 Bolt (thread) making on Lathe machine
3 Tool grinding (to provide tool angles) on tool-grinder machine.
4 Gear cutting on Milling machine
5 Machining a block on shaper machine.
6 Finishing of a surface on surface-grinding machine
7 Drilling holes on drilling machine and study of twist-drill.
8 Study of different types of tools and its angles & materials.
9 Experiment on tool wear and tool life
10 Experiment on jigs/Fixtures and its uses
11 Gas welding experiment
12 Arc welding experiment
13 Resistance welding experiment.
14 Soldering & Brazing experiment
15 Experiment on unconventional machining.
16 Experiment on unconventional welding.
17 Experiment on TIG/MIG Welding.
18 Macro and Microstructure of welding joints.

Heat And Mass Transfer Lab

1 Conduction – Experiment on Composite plane wall
2 Conduction – Experiment on Composite cylinder wall
3 Conduction – Experiment on critical insulation thickness
4 Conduction – Experiment on Thermal Contact Resistance
5 Convection – Pool Boiling experiment
6 Convection – Experiment on heat transfer from tube-(natural convection).
7  Convection – Heat Pipe experiment.
8 Convection – Heat transfer through fin-(natural convection)
9 Convection – Heat transfer through tube/fin-(forced convection).
10 Convection – Determination of thermal conductivity of fluid
11 Experiment on Stefan’s Law, on radiation determination of emissivity, etc
12 Experiment on solar collector, etc
13 Heat exchanger – Parallel flow experiment
14 Heat exchanger – Counter flow experiment

Fluid Machinery Lab

1 Impact of Jet experiment.
2 Experiment on Pelton wheel.
3 Experiment on Francis turbine.
4 Experiment on Kaplan turbine.
5 Experiment on Reciprocating pump.
6 Experiment on centrifugal pump.
7 Experiment on Hydraulic Jack/Press
8 Experiment on Hydraulic Brake
9 Experiment on Hydraulic Ram
10  Study through visit of any water pumping station/plant
11 Any other suitable experiment/test rig such as comparison & performance of different types of pumps and turbines.
12 Experiment on Compressor
13 Experiment for measurement of drag and lift on aerofoil in wind tunnel

Theory Of Machines Lab

1 Study of simple linkage models/mechanisms
2 Study of inversions of four bar linkage
3 Study of inversions of single/double slider crank mechanisms
4 Experiment on Gears tooth profile, interference etc.
5 Experiment on Gear trains
6 Experiment on longitudinal vibration
7 Experiment on transverse vibration
8 8. Experiments on dead weight type governor
9 Experiment on spring controlled governor
10 Experiment on critical speed of shaft
11 Experiment on gyroscope
12  Experiment on static/dynamic balancing
13 Experiment on Brake
14 Experiment on clutch

Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Lab

1 Experiment on refrigeration test rig and calculation of various performance parameters.
2 Study of different types of expansion devices used in refrigeration system.
3 Study of different types of evaporators used in refrigeration systems.
4 To study basic components of air-conditioning system..
5 Experiment on air-conditioning test rig & calculation of various performance parameters.
6 Experiment on air washers
7 Study of window air conditioner.
8 Study & determination of volumetric efficiency of compressor.
9 Visit of a central air conditioning plant and its detailed study.
10 Visit of cold-storage and its detailed study.
11 Experiment on Ice-plant.
12  Experiment on two stage Reciprocating compressor for determination of volumetric efficiency ,PV diagram and effect of intercooling.
13 Study of Hermetically sealed compressor.
14 Experiment on Desert coolers.

Cad Lab

1 Experiment on refrigeration test rig and calculation of various performance parameters.
2 Study of different types of expansion devices used in refrigeration system.
3 Study of different types of evaporators used in refrigeration systems.
4 To study basic components of air-conditioning system..
5 Experiment on air-conditioning test rig & calculation of various performance parameters.
6 Experiment on air washers
7 Study of window air conditioner.
8 Study & determination of volumetric efficiency of compressor.

Cam Lab

1 To study the characteristic features of CNC machine
2 Part Programming (in word address format) experiment for turning operation (including operations such as grooving and threading) and running on CNC
3 Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for drilling operation (point to point) and running on CNC machine
4 Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for milling operation (contouring) and running on CNC machine
5 Experiment on Robot and programs
6 Experiment on Transfer line/Material handling
7 Experiment on difference between ordinary and NC machine, study or retrofitting
8 Experiment on study of system devices such as motors and feed back devices
9 Experiment on Mecatronics and controls

I.C. Engine And Automobile Lab

1 Performance Analysis of Four stroke S.I. Engine- Determination of indicated and brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption at different loads, Energy Balance.
2 Determination of Indicated H.P. of I.C. Engine by Morse Test.
3 Performance Analysis of Four stroke C.I. Engine- Determination of indicated and brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption at different loads, Energy Balance.
4 Study & experiment on Valve mechanism.
5 Study & experiment on Gear Box.
6 Study & experiment on Differential Gear Mechanism of Rear Axle
7 Study & experiment on Steering Mechanism.
8 Study & experiment on Automobile Braking System.
9 Study & experiment on Chassis and Suspension System.
10 Study & experiment on Ignition system of I.C. Engine.
11 Study & experiment on Fuel Supply System of S.I. Engines- Carburetor, Fuel Injection Pump and MPFI.
12 Study & experiment on Fuel Supply System of C.I. Engines- Injector & Fuel Pump.
13 Study & experiment on Air Conditioning System of an Automobile.
14 Comparative study of technical specifications of common small cars (such as Maruti Swift, Hyundai i20, Cheverlet Aveo, Tata Indica, Ford Fusion etc.
15 Comparative study & technical features of common scooters & motorcycles available in India.
16 Visit of an Automobile factory.
17 Visit to a Modern Automobile Workshop.
18 Experiment on Engine Tuning.
19 Experiment on Exhaust Gas Analysis of an I.C. Engine.

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