R & D Activities
Papers Published in International and National Journals
- “Dielectric and optical properties of polymer dispersed liquid crystal.” (Published in J. of Phys. & Chem. of Solids, UK, 67 (2006) 2300 – 2304.
- “Dielectric and optical study of a 4-n-decyloxybenzylidene 4’- isopropylaniline exhibiting monotropic Smectic A phase” (Published in Macromolecules MMAIJ, 4(1), 2008 [73-77]).
- “Effect of heavy mixing lithium with doping of manganese on structural, EPR and dielectric spectroscopic properties of Layered Na2Ti3O7”, Journal of Materials Science, Materials electronics, (Springer) Vol24 (5), (2013)1562-1568.
- “Influence of copper doping on structural and dielectric response on sodium lithium trititanates (Na1.9Li0.1) Ti3O7: X Cu(0.0 _ X _ 0.1)”, Journal of Materials Science, Materials electronics, Vol. 23(10), (2012), 1835-1843.
- “Investigations on Electrical Studies of Copper Doped Layered HSLT Ceramics”, Indian journal of Advances in Chemical Sciences, Vol1, (2012), 47-51.
- “AC Conductivity Studies of Lithium Mixed Layered Potassium Tetra Titanates (K2XLixTi4O9) With EPR and XRD Analysis”, Journal of Environmental Science, Computer science & Engineering & Technology, Vol1 (3),(2012),459-466.
- “Accretion onto a moving schwarzschild Black Hole”, Journal of Chemical Science, Biological Science and Physical Science Vol.2 (4), (2012), 2057.
- “Accretion onto a Rotating Kerr Black Hole”, Journal of Chemical Science, Biological Science and Physical Science Vol2 (4), (2012), 2070-2077.
- “Magneto hydrodynamic flows from Rapidly Rotating Compact Objects” Journal of Chemical Science, Biological Science and Physical Science, Vol2 (4),(2012),2078-2090.
- “Relaxation Intensity Estimation of the Nematic Mixture-E-24 using KITA-KOIZUMI method”, Indian journal of Advances in Chemical Sciences, Vol1,(2012),17-21.
- “Role of wind energy in Indian electricity system, International Journal of Geology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.2(2)(2012), pp.121-128
- “Dielectric Spectroscopic and ac conductivity investigations on copper doped Na1.9Li0.1Ti3O7 ceramics”, International Journal of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol1(1),(2011),93-110
- “Effect of Paramagnetic iron ions doping on electrical conduction mechanism of Layered Sodium Lithium Tri Titanates”, International Journal of Physics and Mathematical Sciences,Vol1(1),(2011),111-119
- “Eddy current braking embedded system”, International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology, 2011 Vol. 1 (1)
Papers presented in Conferences
- “Sugar concentration estimation in beverages using ultrasonic velocity and refractive index measurement” presented in poster presentation, 89th session of Indian Science Congress, Lucknow, (2002).
- “Relaxation intensity of OBT from dielectric loss data – Kita Kuzomi method”, presented in 91th session of Indian Science Congress, Chandigarh, (2004).
- “Dielectric relaxation &anistropic studies of a nematogen”, presented in DISCOMB 04, BHU, Varanasi, (2004).
- “The effect of moisture content and micro fertilizers on dielectric properties of oilseeds”, presented in poster presentation of 92nd session of Indian Science Congress, Ahmedabad, (2005).
- “Dielectric relaxation study of a n-decycloxy derivative in monotropic Smectic A phase, presented in poster presentation, DAE – SOLID STATE SYMPOSIUM, B.A.R.C Mumbai,(2005).
- “Dielectric and optical properties of polymer – liquid crystal composite”, presented in oral presentation, NSPPMS, Kathmandu, Nepal, (2006).
- “Dielectric relaxation and anisotropic studies of a Smectic liquid crystal”, presented in poster presentation, MRSI, Lucknow, (2006).