Value Education Cell

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Our Vision and Mission

If values are important for society then there has to be a provision for value education. What is value education? In ordinary language the term value education refers to transmission of values, usually from older generation to younger generation. Value education is required by all irrespective of age, sex and social position. Sometimes the members of older generation also need to be taught the values: the values of younger generation. Values change and the new generations may not believe in several values of the older generations. It is in the common interest of both old and young to learn new values and reflect how the new values serve the interests of society better. This calls for promotion of value education.

From common man’s perspective, value education concentrates on topics such as happiness, love, equality, humility, peace, simplicity, cooperation, honesty, unity, etc. It is taught informally in all social situations and is formally included in schools and colleges for children and young adults. Everyday experiences show that education without value education can lead to wrong results. While the education aims at distribution of knowledge and promotion of creativity, the value education aims at facilitating right application of knowledge. Education must be clearly about understanding (what to do?), learning skills (how to do?) and practicing the understanding & skills, leading to fulfillment of human purpose. Understanding of what to do, what is valuable is required and learning how to do is also required. Both are required. Human education must enable the student to (in order of priority):

  • Develop Right Understanding By sharing the understanding of what to do (Value Education)
  • Develop Right Skills by teaching how to do (Technical Education).
  • Practice Right living during the period of education.
  • Living in relationship with human being leading to mutual happiness.
  • Living in relationship with rest-of-nature leading to mutual prosperity .

Over a period of time, such value-based education can contribute to the development of a humane society. The Cell will contribute, through Value Education, to the world view that is required for a human society.

Team Members of VE Cell



Director, (Engg)
Email id:
Mobile Number: 9415175848

Convener / Coordinator


HOD (Humanities & Professional communication)
Email id:
Mobile Number: 9307072124


Department of Computer Science & Engg., BBDNIIT
Department of Electronics& Communication, BBDNIIT
Department of Electrical Engineering, BBDNIIT
Department of Information Technology, BBDNIIT
Department of Mechanical Engg., BBDNIIT
Department of Humanities, BBDNIIT
Department of Humanities, BBDNIIT
Department of Professional Communication, BBDNIIT
Department of Professional Communication, BBDNIIT
Department of Professional Communication, BBDNIIT
Department of Management, BBDNIIT


Activity Name From To Place of Activity
Level 1 Faculty Development Program on Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics organized by TEQIP-III, conducted by Value Edducation Cell, AKTU 10-Jan-17 17-Jan-18 BBDNIIT, Lucknow
Induction Program for first year students 22-Jan-18 31-Jan-18 BBDNIIT, Lucknow
Level-o1 Faculty Development Program, Refresher on Universal Human Values & Professional Ethicsorganized by TEQIP-III, conducted by Value Edducation Cell, AKTU 28-May-18 4-Jun-18 BBDNIIT, Lucknow

Upcoming Activities


Level-02 Faculty Development Program on “UHVPE”.


Induction Program for first year students.


One day workshop on “Positive Parenting”.

Brief Report of FDP Level 01

Value Education is the Key to all further Education. The inculcation of values in an individual is imperative for an individual as well as for society. The main forbearers of this education are teachers, who can pass on the torch of values to their students. To equip the Faculty members in the tools of value education, an 8 day long Faculty Development Programme was started under the auspices of AKTU from 10th Jan- 17th Jan. 2018, at Babu Banarasi Das Northern Indian Institute of Technology in which faculty of over 50 affiliated colleges took part. The Inaugural session began with a welcome address delivered by the Head of Department of Humanities & Professional communication, BBDNIIT, Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi, who is also the convener of the Value Education Cell of the college, welcomed all the participants and made them aware of the goals and objectives of the Programme. She also introduced the dignitaries who had come from IIT Kanpur to address the session. There were following Resource persons:

  • Dr. Pankaj Singh, Resource Person
  • Mr. Akhilesh Kumar Verma, Facilitator
  • Mr. Hitendra Nath Chaubey, Co-facilitator

Advancing inaugural session Dr. V.K.Singh, Director (Engg), BBDNIIT addressed to all Guests and Faculty Members. He welcomed all on the behalf of BBDNIIT family and ensure them for keen support by himself. Dr. Pankaj Singh also spoke on the occasion and he called upon people from the audience who had attended the programme in previous years to share their experiences. Among the participants were Dr. Pooja Singh, Dr. Arti Mishra, Mr. Ravi Gupta and Mr. Ajay Bajpai. They talked about their experiences at the programme and also about how it had helped them to see things in a different perspective. We need value education to inculcate in ourselves and others a sense of how to do things. Today, Technical Education and scientific enquiry have progressed considerably, but there is a tremendous loss of values among people. Skills are not dangerous by themselves, but proper utilisation of skills is necessary for the harmonious development of an individual and society. Value education helps us in understanding life skills needed to lead a harmonious existence. Dr, Pankaj emphasizes the need for the right understanding of the rules of living and the competence to live our life amiably with others. Values ​​are well understood by all 8 days. The last day of FDP all participants were shared their experiences and transformations.

Brief Report of Induction Program

Swami Vivekananda points out “education” is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riots there undigested all your life we must have life building, man-making and character making assimilation of ideas. To keep these words in mind Value education cell, BBDNIIT conducted Induction program for first year students from 22 January to 31 January 2018. The Programme began with the inaugural speech given by the Convener of the Value Education Cell, BBDNIIT, Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi. She welcomed all the first year students and stressed on the importance of Value Education in everybody’s life. Dr. V.K.Singh, Director (Engg.), BBDNIIT, also spoke on the importance of values in an individual’s life and stressed on the need of inculcating the same. The gathering was addressed by the HOD’s of various Departments who spoke on the significance of their respective branches and departments.

Session 1 of DAY ONE started with a Lecture given by Dr. Arti Mishra, Assistant Professor Department of Humanities and Professional Communication, BBDNIIT. She spoke on the basic human aspirations and the need for harmony and happiness among individuals. Good relations and correct utilization of resources can be ensured by right understanding. The discussion led to many queries from the students which were duly solved and explained by the speaker. Session 2 was devoted to a Logo Making Contest, in which the students were asked to design a Logo based on the theme of Universal Human Values.

DAY TWO started with an academic session was delivered by Mr. Ravi Kumar from Mechanical Department of BBDNIIT. He was discussed about self and the co-existence between human body and self. After that a short movie entitled, “RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW” also showed to the all students. The basic objective of that movie was to understand the concept of Happiness and the continuity of Happiness in everyone’s life. After watching short movie the students were described the theme of movie through their own views. Session 3 was devoted to the Activity ‘Cleanliness’ in the campus. Students were taken to the park before the NIIT building and were asked to clean the park. They were assisted by the Faculty Coordinators and all the first year teachers. This activity helped them to know about the importance of keeping our surroundings clean.

With great zeal and enthusiasm DAY THREE was started of Induction program conducted in BBDNIIT, Lucknow. The first academic session started with a Lecture by Ms. Ekta Sawhney, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities & Professional communication, BBDNIIT. She recapitulated the main points learnt b the students in the previous two days like Natural acceptance, Prosperity, Harmony & Happiness. In Session 2, the students were shown a video of Hiwre Village, which is an ideal village, in terms of its functioning and its values. This has been made possible by the efforts of a few dedicated and sincere people whose hard work and labour has made the village an example for the world. Session 3 was dedicated to a Poster Making/Model making Activity, whence the students were asked to draw on the theme of Universal Human Values. The students were divided into groups and chart papers distributed among them. After the students finished drawing, an exhibition of their posters was held where all the charts were displayed for viewing by the Faculty members. Dr. V.K.Singh, Director (Engg), BBDNIIT was the guest of honour and he greatly appreciated the efforts of the students in making the charts and of the faculty coordinators in making them understand the concept in such a nice manner. Dr. Singh said that the understanding of students towards this program and Human values is reflecting in their charts. He also said that these types of extracurricular activities are also a source to inculcate a positive outlook among students.

The FOURTH DAY of the Induction Programme started with a Lecture by Ms. Swati Priya, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities & PC, BBDNIIT. She focused on the topic of Harmony in the family and enumerated the nine feelings required to maintain and sustain relationships. The students were then shown a video titled ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, which depicted the effect of Global Warming on Earth. It showed the danger signs of mystification of resources by people and also suggested ways to lessen the impending danger. The video was followed by a sharing session, where the doubts of the students were taken up and clarified. The Post Lunch Session was reserved for the Music/Singing activities. Students actively and very enthusiastically participated in the activity. The students also requested some faculty members to sing, and their request was duly accepted. The session was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

The First session of DAY FIVE stared with Ms, Yashi Tiwari, Asst. Prof., Department of Humanities and Professional communication deliver a lecture on the Four orders of Nature namely, Human Order, plant order, mineral order and animal order. These orders have a symbiotic relationship and benefit each other. But the Human order is one which takes from all three and gives to none. The second session was the video session in which the movie ‘The story of Stuff’ was shown to the students. A sharing session was held after that. The next session was the creative activity- the Role Play session in which the students performed different skits based on diverse themes related to Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics. The thought provoking acts were appreciated by all.

The DAY SIX of the programme started with a guest lecture by the Director (Engg.) of BBDNIIT, Dr. V.K.Singh. He stressed on the need for value education and urged students to listen to their heart, act sensibly and respect their parents. He said that it’s our prime duty to understand the expectations of our parents and try to fulfill. Again Dr. Singh spoken about the relationships and he shared his own experiences of life with the students. After that very motivational and inspirational lecture the students were addressed by Mritunjay Bhardawaj, a first year student from civil branch who had participated in an 8 day workshop on Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics, held at IIT Kanpur. He shared his experience of how his thinking has been modified and his life transformed as a result of attending the workshop.

The winners of the Logo making competition and Poster making competition were also announced in this session and they were given prizes by honorable Director (Enhh), BBDNIIT. The next session was devoted to the Debate activity which saw an active participation by the students who expressed their views on the topics chosen by them. Students were also made to fill the feedback forms of the Induction programme, in this session.

In the last day of closing ceremony, DAY SEVEN all students were visited to BBD Dental College & Hospital. There all doctors and interns interacted with the students and explained them to their work procedure of the hospital. A routine tooth checkup was also initiated for students.

Here the journey ends of eight days but there is much more left to learn, to understand, to realize, to experience and to share. So, this kind of program is required in Today’s scenario. In today’s world, teaching values to our youth is more important than ever. From the moment they are born, children are extremely impressionable. They begin to form their opinions and view of the world before they even hit their adolescence. As parents and educators, we are children’s biggest and number one influences; and it is our responsibility to teach our youth about core values so they may grow up to be caring, confident and respectful adults.

Brief Report of FDP, Level-01  Refresher

Values are guiding principles of life, which are conductive to one’s physical, social and mental health. Inculcation of desirable values is felt necessary through the education and for this purpose teachers, the educational institutions and society in general should be prepared. To fulfill this major requirement of the society an 8 days Refresher Course on Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics was organized at BBDNIIT with joint efforts of AKTU, Value Education Cell. Welcoming the candidates and resource persons, Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi, Local Coordinator, Value Education Cell, spoke on the importance of inculcating Human Values among people. She said that Human Values is the arena where quantity exceeds quality. The gathering was then addressed by Dr. V.K Singh, Director BBDNIIT, who spoke on the concept of values and stressed on the importance of the programme. He spoke that Values are more important to inculcate the personality of each person. The basic purpose of education is to inculcate the right understanding of students.

The session was then taken over by Mr. Moti Chand Yadav, Resource person for the programme who introduced Shri Sanjeev & Ms. Ankita, from Manviya Shiksha Sanskar Sansthan, IIT Kanpur. They were the facilitator and co-facilitator for the programme respectively.

The workshop was conducted during Morning 9:00 AM till Evening 6:00 PM in different 06 sessions.

In the starting session of workshop Shri MotiChand revised the concept of self-awareness and self evaluation and asking the gathering to reflect o their state of being. He enumerated the points which are expected to be seen in a person’s thinking after doing the 1st level of the UHVPE programme. In other sessions of Refresher Workshop various topics covered like, the concept of self, relationship between body and self, needs of self and body, self-exploration etc.

The workshop was concluded on June 4th 2018. In the closing ceremony, the Chief Speaker Shri Moti Chand Yadav said that all the people need to adopt these concepts and bring them to their paycheck. He further said that humanity has so much hope. At the closing ceremony, Dr. V.K. Singh, Director, BBBDNIIT said that every person needs to have patience in life. With patience, we can experience happiness in life. While explaining to himself as a teacher he said that the satisfaction of students is the most important for me. I think that every teacher should take this responsibility to inculcate the right understanding in the studetns, so that all the students can develop their values in a positive direction and so that they can have a good understanding of their dreams.

At the last of closing ceremony certificates were distributed by Dr. V.K.Singh, Direcctor, BBDNIIT and the resource person of the workshop, shri Moti chand Yadav ji to all Participants.

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