The Technical forum of Department of ECE(Savitur) & EIE (Lakshya), BBDNIIT organized a workshop on ‘Digital Image Processing and Augmented Reality’ on the 30th and 31st of August, 2017.
The occasion was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. V. K. Singh, Director (Engg.) BBDNIIT who gave their precious time and invaluable insights on why this workshop would be beneficial to the students and how it would provide hands on experience for a better understanding of the concepts of image processing.
The primary focus of the workshop was to serve a platform to meet cutting edge technologies of the digital world. This workshop provided an in depth knowledge of the subject and also inspired the students to present innovative solutions to the real world problems.
The technical workshop covered the basics of DIP &MATLAB along with hands on experience of various projects on MATLAB. The practical sessionincluded MATLAB programs on image color formatting, pixel counting of any random image with its application in various projects. Also, it discussed an algorithm for black and white image processing, noise removal, video processing, etc. The best part of the workshop was GUI development using MATLAB, machine vision and Artificial intelligence.
The workshop saw an active participation of one hundred and twenty students from ECE and EI Department and was ended with high spirits and enlightened minds.
We are really thankful to Prof. Dr. V. K. Singh, Director Engg. BBDNIIT for his able guidance and relentless support without which this workshop would not have been possible.