Faculty Development
The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences provides opportunities and resources to its faculty and students for the pursuit of research and development. The faculty members of the department having varied research interests carry out research in a wide range of academics fields. They have published books, conference papers and articles in reputed national and international journals. The department will plan for further future to organize seminars, workshops and also publishes the campus newsletter and journal. They also prepared and planned to guide first degree and higher degree projects and PhD research.
- One Research paper is published by Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Concept and scope of Pratyahara in Management of Mental Health’, in International Research Journal of Commerce, Arts and Science, 2017.
- One Research paper is published by Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Anxiety: A comparative study of the level of Anxiety in Married Women with children and Married Women without children’, in Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2016.
- One Research paper is published by Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Transpersonal Psychology of the Bhagavad-Gita: Reflection on Consciousness, Meditation, Work and Love’, in International Research Journal of Commerce, Arts and Science, 2016.
- One Research paper is published by Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Mental health with reference to Psycho-yogic Techniques’, in International Research Journal of Commerce, Arts and Science, 2016.
- One Research paper is published by Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Relevance of Psycho-Yogic Interventions to improve cognitive flexibility among students, in Journal of Humanities and Social, 2017.
- One Research paper is published by Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Fostering Emotional Intelligence and Coping with Diabetes and evaluation of Quality of Life’, in Indian Journal of Health and Well-Being,2014.
- One Research paper is published by Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Learning rebooted online education during COVID 19 lockdown in Indian settings: an interview with academicians, in International Journal of Indian Psychology, 2020.
- One Research paper is published by Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Clinical Interview Improving Quality of life in cancer patients’, in Purakala, UGC Care list Journal, 2020.
- One Research paper is published by Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Measuring the impact of Psychological Interventions as functions of Future Orientation and Perceived control among female cancer patients’, in Mukt Shabd Journal, 2020.
- One Research paper is published by Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Psychological well being of female cancer patients during COVID 19 pandemic’, in Tathapi UGC Care Journal, 2020.
- One Paper published by Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi on, “Indigenous Approach to Health and Well-Being” 2015.
- One Paper published by Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi on Clinical interview”: A Technique for Improving Quality Of Life in International Journal of Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2011.
- One Paper published by Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi on “Cognitive Awareness for Prevention of Cancer, Psychological studies, New Delhi, 2010.
- One Paper published by Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi on, “Fostering Emotional Intelligence and Coping with Diabetes and evaluation of Quality of Life in, Indian Journal of Health and Well-Being, 2013.
- One Paper published by Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi on. Interventions of cancer patients”, Psychological studies National Academy of Psychology India, Springer, 2012.
- One Paper published by Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi on “Status of Woman farmers in Uttar Pardesh, Prabhandhan, International Journal of Management, 2011.
- One Paper published by Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi on”. Environment and Human Behaviour”, International Journal of Psychology, American Psychological association, 2010.
- One Paper published by Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi on “Cognitive Behaviour Intervention for cancer patients”, Psychological studies, National Academy of Psychology, India, 2006.
- “Causes and Consequences of Child Labor at Ramanagar Bareilly, U. P. – A Research Report” published in International Journal of Management Rivulet (IJMR), July – Dec. 2010, ISSN (0976-657X).
- “The impact of unconventional media on rural masses” published in Impact: International Journal of Research in Business Management, ISSN (P): 2347-4572, Vol.-2, Issue-2, February 2014, JCC Impact Factor (2013) : 0.8127
- National Child labor at Ramnagar, Bareilly, and Uttar Pradesh: A Research Report published in SITM Journal of Management, Barabnki, Dec 2009, ISSN: 0976-1063.
- Evaluation of Development Programs in Uttaranchal: A Case of Sripur Bichhwa, published in SITM Journal of Management, Barabnki, Dec 2010, ISSN: 0976-1063.
- “Yakult – Making World Healthier”, published in SITM Journal of Management, Barabnki, Dec 2011, ISSN: 0976-1063.
- “Unconventional communication media: A panacea for rural markets”, published in SITM Journal of Management, Barabnki, Dec 2012, ISSN: 0976-1063.
- “Study of the Demographic Features of Central Uttar Pradesh”, published in SITM Journal of Management, Barabnki, Aug 2014, ISSN: 0976-1063.
- Reading Women and Colonization: Revenge, published in an international multidisciplinary Research Journal, Research Chronicler Volume III, Issue I: January 2015, www.research-chronicler.com ISSN.2347-503X.
- Tipping the Velvet: A Lesbo Victorian Romp, Published in Glimpses, a peer reviewed Bi-Annual Refreed international journal of multi disciplinary research, Volume1 No.4 December 2014, ISSN 2250-0561
- Impact of Globalization in Kamla Markandaya’s Novel Two Virgins, published in Glimpses, a peer reviewed Bi-Annual Refreed International Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research, Volume 2, No.4, June 2015 ISSN 2250-9561
- Cultural Identity in Hullaballo In the Guava Orchard : The exploration of self Published in LangLit Volume IV, Issue I August 2017, ISSN-2349-5189.
- Literary Analysis of Writing Styles and Themes in the Novels of Chetan Bhagat Published in IJELL Volume V, Issue III March 2017, ISSN-2321- 7065,2017.
- Feminism in the Novels of Chetan Bhagat Published in IJELL Volume IV Issue II February 2016, ISSN-2321 -7065, February 2016.
- Educational Issues and Chetan Bhagat.
- Published in IJELL Volume V Issue I January 2017 ISSN 2321-7065, January 2017.
- Chetan Bhagat and His Social Consciousness.
Published in The Indian Journal of English Studies Volume 52 Auguest 2015. The Association for English Studies of India.
- G.B.Shaw and Galeseworthy a comparative Study Published in Global Journal of Language and Humanities Volume II 2013.
Conferences /workshops/seminars/FDPs
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi participated in National Workshop on “Oil Conservation”, 2016 organized by Petroleum Conservation Research Association, sponsored by, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi participated as Resource Person in Seminar on “Psychology and the challenge to improve the environment”, 2015, Rajat Girls Degree College, Lucknow.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi participated as organizing secretary in one Day Workhsop on “Role of Human Values”, 2015, BBDNITM, Lucknow.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi presented a Paper in an International Seminar on “Positive Parenting”, 2014, Amity University, Lucknow. Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi presented a Paper in an International Seminar on “Relevance of Gandhian Principles in current scenario” 2012, St. Andrews Degree College, and Gorakhpur.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi presented a Paper in an International Seminar on “Role of Human Values in preservation of Environment”, 2012, Jamia Islamiya, New Delhi.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi presented a Paper in an International Seminar on “Scope of Indian Psychology in Indigenous Perspective”, 2011, Brahmakumari.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi participated in an International Seminar on “Management and Behavioral Science”, 2011, Haridwar, Uttarakhand.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi presented a Paper in an International Seminar on “Poverty and Economic development” , 2011, Delhi University, New Delhi.
Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi presented a Paper in an International Seminar on “Woman’s Empowerment”, 2010, Haridwar.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi participated in a Workshop on “Clinical Interview: A Technique for Assessing Mental Health”, 2009, National P.G.College, Lucknow.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi presented a Paper in an International Seminar on “Psychology and the challenge to improve the environment”, 2007, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi presented a Paper in an International Seminar on “Environment and Human Behavior: Emerging challenges and Intervention strategies” 2006, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur.
- Attended a workshop on Human Values and Professional Ethics from January 15 to 22, 2016, organized by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow held at IIT, Kanpur.
- Attended an Indian Romanian International Seminar on Multiculturalism: Its Relevance In Present Scenario, 19 August, 2015 organized by Management & Research Institute In Collaboration with European Academic Research, Lucknow and presented a paper entitled A Question of Women Identity: A Cross Culture Studies With Special Reference to Atwood’s Surfacing.
- Attended a National Seminar on “The Literature of Minority, Sexual and Gender Identity” December 6, 2014 organized by Department of English Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College, Vashi, Navi Mumbai and presented a paper entitled Tipping the Velvet: A Lesbo Victorian Romp.
- Attended a Faculty Development Program on 5 January 2013 organized by Babu Banarasi Das Northern India Institute of Technology, Lucknow
- Presented and published a paper on “Impact of Global Recession on Indian Retailing” in the conference organized by AKS Institute of Management, Lucknow on 1st & 2nd July, 2011.
- Attended a National Seminar on “Fostering Entrepreneurship Theory and Practices: From Family Business to Business Family” organized by Amity Business School, Amity University Lucknow on 20th September, 2013.
- Attended a National Conference on “Emerging Practices in People Management” organized by School of Management Sciences Lucknow in collaboration with Confederation of Indian Industry 21st and 22nd February 2014.
- Attended One-day workshop on “TEAM BUILDING” organized by Jhunjhunwala Business School, Faizabad in association with PHD-KAF Cooperation Project on 18 March 2010.
- Attended Two days Faculty Development program on ‘ From Teaching to Learning –A New Paradigm for Education at Amity University, Lucknow. December 15-16 2016.
- Attended One day Faculty Development program on ‘Human Values and Professional Ethics’ at BBDNITM Luck now on 19th February 2016.
- Attended One day Faculty Development program on ‘Effective Strategies for Improving Teaching Skills and Learning’ at BBDNIIT, Lucknow 5 January, 2013.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program on ‘Sharpening Decision Making Skills’at Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management and development Studies,Lucknow, on 15 september 2012.
- Presented a Paper titled ‘Representation of Youth Cultures in the Novels of Chetan Bhagat at the International Conference on “Cultures of New India”, held at Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow, on 17-18 February, 2017.
- Presented a Paper titled ‘ CASTE AND CLASS:Arundhati Roys ‘The God of Small Things” at the National Seminar Under the Aegis of UGC held at M.M,V.P.G. College, Kanpur, on 3-4 December,2011.
- Presented a Paper titled ‘Proliferation of Information Technology in Rural India’ at the National Seminar on Marketing of Services in Rural India under the Auspices of UGC held at National PG College Lucknow 16 April, 2011.
- Presented a Paper titled ‘G.B. Shaw, Galseworthy a comparative study of Problem Plays, Socio Psycho-Analysis.at All India English Teachers Conference Association for English Studies of India (AESI) held at Bareilly College Bareilly (UP) on 18-20 December 2011.
- Presented a Paper titled ‘Communication Barriers’ at the International Conference on ‘Language and Communication Barriers and Challenges’ held at the Shri Ram Swaroop Memorial Group of Professional College Lucknow on 14-15-16 July 2011.
- Attended an International Conference on ‘Literature Language and Communication: An Essential Trident at Amity University Lucknow on 9-10 December 2013.
- Attended one day National Seminar on ‘Power Dressing: An Effective Way to Success And its Significant Effect on Self Esteem and Confidence, at Amity University Lucknow, on March 2017.
- Attended a Workshop on Human Values and Professional Ethics from June 9 to 16, 2010, organized by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow held at IIT, Kanpur.
- Presented a Paper titled “Learning to Speak” at the International Multidisciplinary Conference on Education for Future: Issues & Challenges, Organized by Deptt. Of Education , Osmania University, Hyderabad, 18-19 July, 2017.
- Presented A Paper titled ‘Life after Life’ at the International Conference On Role of Arts, Culture, Humanities, Religion, Education, Ethics, Philosophy, Spirituality and Science for Holistic Societal Development Organized by “KrishiSanskriti Publications”19th March, 2017 Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
- Presented a paper titled ‘No Rags… Only Riches’ at the International Conference on “Cultures of New India”, held at Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow, on 17-18 February, 2017.
- Presented a Paper entitled ‘Living & Learning English- Challenges before the Undergraduate Engineering Students in India’ at the International Conference for Teaching, Education & Learning (ICTEL), in Dubai, February 2016. Paper Published in People: International Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2454-5899.
- Presented a Paper entitled Communication Across Cultures : A Brief Study , in an International Seminar on Multiculturalism: Its Relevance in present Scenario, organized by Management & Research Institute In collaboration with European Academic Research, 19th August, 2015.
- Attended One day National Seminar on “Power Dressing: An effective way to Success and its significant effect on self-esteem and confidence” at Amity University, Lucknow, March 24, 2017.
- Attended One day FDP on “From Teahcing to Learning-A New Paradigm For Education”, at Amity University, Lucknow, December 15-16, 2016.
- Attended One day Faculty Development Programme on “Effective Strategies for Improving Teaching Skills & Learning”, at Babu Banarasi Das Group of Educational Institutions, January 5, 2013.
- Project undertaken by Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi on “Emotional Intelligence and coping with chronic Illness”-1YR.(2003-04),DSA ,Department of Psychology, D.D.U, Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Sponsored by UGC.
- Project undertaken by Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi on “An Intervention of Chronic Illness, 1 YR (2005-06),), DSA, Department of Psychology, D.D.U, Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Sponsored by UGC.
Ph. D Guidance
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi guided one Ph.D student as co-supervisor- Dept. of Psychology M.P University, Madhaya Pradesh.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi guided two Ph.D student as co-supervisor- Dept. of Psychology, D.D.U Gorakhpur University,Gorakhpur.
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi has three research scholars in BBD University, Lucknow.
Chapters in Book
- One Chapter Published by Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi in the book on’ Mental Health Issues and Intervention’, entitled “An ecological model of the impact of sexual assault on women’s mental health”, Concept Company Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, (Vol.1, pp:69-105, ISBN:978-93-5125=169-9).
- Manovigyan me Prayaog”, Shekhar Prakashan, Zero Road, Allahabad: Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi. (Published).
- “Industrial Psychology”,Nandini Publication-New Delhi: Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi.(Published).
- “Psychology for Everyone”, Shri Ram Param Hans Educational Trust: Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi. (In Progress).
Membership in Professional Bodies
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi is working as Reviewer in “International Journal of Psychology”, American Psychological association. (2016-2017).
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi is working as Member of Editorial Board in American Psychological Association. (2009-till date).
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi is working as Reviewer in Journal of National Association of Psychological science. (2011-till date).
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi is Lifetime member of Speak Foundation, New Delhi. (2007).
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi is working as Reviewer in International Journal of Management and social sciences. (2007-till date).
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi is reviewer in International Journal of Social and Allied Research. (2012-2019).
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi is a member of International society for Research and Development. (2015-2018).
- Dr. Laxmi Vajpeyi is reviewer in International Journal of Management and Humanities.(2017-2018).
- Swati Priya has Annual Membership of Indian Institute of Materials Management, Mumbai.
Invited Lectures
- 01 Invited lecture delivered by Dr.Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Mental Health’, organised by Institute of Technology (IET), Lucknow.
- 01 Invited Lecture delivered by Dr.Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Self Exploration’, organized by Jawahar Lal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.
- 01 Invited Lecture delivered by Dr.Laxmi Vajpeyi on ‘Sexual Harassment’, organized by Mahila Vidyalaya Degree College, Lucknow.
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